Colorado Senate 2008: Schaffer/Udall Updates

At Schaffer v Udall, a Rocky Mountain Alliance 2.0 project, you’ll find out:

Why Mark Udall welched on an online debate to be co-moderated by SvU and liberal blogger and all-around stand-up guy David Thielen (one of the few), after Bob Schaffer had already agreed to the blog-centric showdown.

How you can submit questions to the candidates for their first televised debate on July 14.

•What the connection is between Mark Udall’s wife and a group launching attacks on her husband’s Senate rival.

Where Udall really stands on gun control–before he was against it.

Blogger Ross Kaminsky of has unraveled the early attacks on Bob Schaffer in a series of posts:

This is the first in a series of articles responding to three front-page articles in the Denver Post by reporter Michael Riley which attack former Congressman and current Senate candidate Bob Schaffer for a fact-finding trip Schaffer took to the Northern Marianas Islands (“CNMI”) in 1999.

Ross is up to part 6–here are the links:
Part 1

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