Rocky Mountain Alliance 2.0

Ben DeGrow explains the relaunch of the Rocky Mountain Alliance–version 2.0 for 2008:

In 2004, the Rocky Mountain Alliance of Blogs was formed – a loose collection of Colorado conservative bloggers who combined forces to grow new media influence in our state.

Times change. New blogs come. Old ones go. 2008 brings the birth of the Rocky Mountain Alliance, version 2.0. Below you will find not only links to each of our sites but also a feed you can scroll through to see our latest posts.

Some of the original cast remain, strengthened by the fresh blood of some high-quality newcomers. The goal of the Rocky Mountain Alliance 2.0 is to promote our shared conservative vision of limited and accountable government, freedom, and personal responsibility – in Colorado and in our nation, the result of the most brilliant and noble political experiment in human history.

You are invited to visit each of our sites and leave your comments.


* Best Destiny
* Daily Blogster
* The Drunkablog!
* Geezerville USA
* Mount Virtus
* Night Twister
* Rocky Mountain Right
* Slapstick Politics
* Thinking Right
* View from a Height


* Ritter Watch
* Schaffer v Udall

I have posted the RMA 2.0 blogroll in the sidebar, along with the RMA 2.0 blog feed.

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