Blogger To Challenge GOP Stealth Candidate

A week ago I linked to news from blogger Joshua Sharf of a stealth GOP candidate, anti-Israeli non-conservative Rima Barakat Sinclair, and joined in calling for others to step up and challenge her positions and prevent the nomination from becoming automatic.

Well, Joshua himself has taken up the challenge and declared himself a candidate for Colorado House District 6:

So, after casting about for a candidate to challenge Rima Barakat Sinclair, a candidate who’s a legitimate conservative, reasonably articulate, with a history in the party, and a record of promoting free markets, personal liberty, and limited government, a group of us has finally hit on…er, me.

Yes, I’ll be spending my summer just about the last way I thought I would, petitioning on to the ballot to force a primary, and then going on to represent the party in the fall election.

No, the blog’s not going away. If anything, it’s going to become more important, as a sounding board for ideas and issues. And as important as this race is to me, what profiteth it man if he gain the nomination and lose his personality?

If you’d like to contribute time or, eventually, money, drop me a line here or at my email,, and you can be plenty sure I’ll get back to you.

The adventure begins.

Fellow blogger Ben DeGrow has already endorsed Joshua, and I will add my own words of support.

Joshua’s blog
may serve as an initial introduction, but from my own personal experience he is a man of integrity, strong conservative principles, and an outstanding GOP candidate. His economic knowledge is extensive (as you will discover on his blog), but his wit and insight reveal an intelligent and circumspect individual–a rarity among candidates on either side of the aisle.

As Ben points out, House District 6 is a Democrat stronghold–this is House Speaker Rep. Andrew Romanoff’s seat, after all (he’s term-limited)–so this isn’t about politics.

It’s about principles.

If you are so inclined, you should drop Joshua an email. What he needs now are “boots on the ground” to collect signatures in HD-6 (you have to a registered Republican).

Good luck to Joshua. I’ll keep you updated as his campaign progresses.

Here is a look at State House District 6, smack dab in the center of Denver County (click to enlarge):

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