Douglas Bruce Kick Fallout Continues

**Update–click here for the latest posts on Bruce-gate, including the vote for censure and Bruce comparing himself to Jimmy Stewart in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”

Douglas “Karate Kid” Bruce “Almighty” has now earned a primary challenge:

In what may be a land speed record for announcing a run against a sitting state legislator, Air Force veteran Mark Waller, who prosecuted insurgents in Iraq, will attempt to unseat Douglas “Karate Kid” Bruce in the Republican primary in August.

His challenger continued:

“There is a concern that as a community we are going to look bad in the eyes of the rest of the state if these kind of actions continue to happen.

“It’s my concern,” Waller said Tuesday.

Bruce supporters and the GOP in general expected Bruce to bring the fight for small government/anti-tax to the legislature, not emotional outbursts that include kicking photographers and rants about “decorum”.

Bruce could be reprimanded, censured or expelled by his House colleagues, but the process could be unclear, say House leaders from both parties.

It keeps getting worse: Bruce or Britney?

Douglas Bruce seems a lot like Britney Spears these days. Like Spears, Bruce seems to self-destruct in the spotlight. Bruce and Britney have issues with photographers. Britney chose to date an obtrusive cameraman; Bruce chose to kick one.

More Bruce-inspired music.

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