Archive for September, 2007

Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst 091807

Freedom Folks with their weekly Blogs for Borders video.

Sen. Ken Salazar Impugns Military Leaders

Sen. Ken Salazar appears to have called our nation’s military leaders, including Gen. David Petraeus, untrustworthy and disingenuous:

Asked if he could trust the reports military commanders are giving him, he said, “I think of that question all the time because as you know when you meet with the military commanders they will give you the line that they want you to hear.” Salazar said he seeks out lower-ranking soldiers and talks to them in the corner.

You can watch video of the entire satellite feed, but unfortunately the questions are inaudible.

Violate Noise Ordinance In Fort Lupton, Get An Earful

Of Barry Manilow, Barney, and other offbeat musical genres that may appeal to others, but definitely not to the hip, under-30 crowd busted for playing their music too loud (video):

During the full hour of punishment, they were not allowed to chew gum, eat, drink, read or even sleep.
. . .
Judge Paul Sacco carries out the punishment about four times per year. He said he believes the sentence fits the crime.

“When you have a person playing rap at extreme volumes all over the city, and they have to sit down and listen for an hour to Barry Manilow, its horrible punishment,” he said.

Sacco said his love for music and helping youth inspired the unusual sentence.

“It’s a punishment but it doesn’t hurt as bad as jail or (paying) a lot of money,” he said.

The judge also said there have been only a few repeat offenders of the noise ordinance law. This type of punishment for the city has been around since the 1990s.

Sounds like a good punishment–sentenced to hear loud music of a type that you might not like, just as you had subjected others to the offensive sounds of loud, obnoxious musical noise.

Colorado "Impeach Bush" Moonbats Explain Motives

From Glenwood Springs–it’s all about oil, and Bush’s neocon cronies:

Controversial, or just lame?

Sue Gray organizer of the Glenwood rally was disappointed in the turn-out, but not really surprised that the local media shied away from releasing her press releases.

“Even the local community radio said it was too political,” Gray related. “Supporting the impeachment of a president is a controversial subject,” she admitted.

Gray had never been involved with peace demonstrations until 9/11. “After Sept. 11, 2001 it changed everything in my life,” she said.

Colorado’s mountain moonbat communities are split on the subject of impeachment–Telluride is going forward, Aspen has better things to do.

Colorado State Parade Of Honor

“The day was celebrated with the state’s longest parade ever”

**Update–no pics/video, real life and equipment failures have intervened.

Channel 2 said next year’s parade would be even larger (Dolly Parton, Alabama and the Oak Ridge Boys have committed to performing at the event):

“It makes me proud that we have come together as a nation honoring our veterans and not treating them like we were treated after Viet Nam,” said Kenneth Classen. He was one of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, who attended the first Parade of Honor.

September 15th was designated by Governor Bill Ritter as a day to honor law enforcement officers, firefighters and veterans. The day was celebrated with the state’s longest parade ever. Parade organizer Frank Young, of the Trinity Community Services Foundation, said the parade was a success.

“These people put their lives on the line every day of the year, and we need to respect them and honor them,” said Young.

A hundred law enforcement and fire fighter agencies participated in the parade plus various civic organizations and high school bands.

And yes, local impeachment moonbats made an appearance, hijacking a non-partisan parade of honor to further their own agendas:

John H. Kennedy, a political activist, took the opportunity to spread a message condemning the war in Iraq.

Dressed in a baseball cap with the message “Impeach Cheney,” Kennedy held a sign saying “(Weapons of Mass Destruction) lies are impeachable.”

“Our job is to get people’s attention and at least make them think about this,” Kennedy, a member of the Impeachment Coalition of Colorado, said.

Concensus? A good parade with a great purpose–just needs more publicity, but not too bad for a first showing:

The audience for the event was small, with marchers outnumbering viewers by a large margin. But those who attended were enthusiastic.

“It is completely extraordinary,” said James Clarke, a London resident here on vacation.

There is nothing quite like the parade in London, he said. “It is so full of variety and life,” said Clarke, a composer.
. . .
The sparse turnout didn’t bother some marchers. “For a first year it was pretty good,” said Lisa Wood, the mother-in-law of an active duty sailor who rode her motorcycle with the Patriot Guard Riders, a group that guards military funerals from protesters.

Columbuspalooza: Columbus Day Truth Commission Renders Verdict

The “truthers” of the Columbus Day Truth Commission have a reached a verdict–a real shocker:

Colorado AIM and the Transform Columbus Day Alliance held a two-day Truth Commission in Denver on Sept. 8-9 as Colorado gears up for the 100th year since it began celebrating Columbus Day and as activists mobilized to oppose to the iconization of the slave trader and mass murderer.
. . .
Even the most conservative estimates of the population of Indigenous people say that the Caribbean islands were inhabited by 8 million people before 1492, this according to Shelburne Cook and Woodrow Borah’s “Essays in Population History” Vol. I, Chapter VI. By the time Columbus left the Caribbean in 1500, due to his policies, which included setting up a slave system (encomienda), and to practices such as cutting off the hands of Taíno people who did not meet a quota of gold, the population had been decimated. (
. . .
Glenn Morris testified about the legacy of Columbus on Indigenous people and what it means today, as U.S. imperialism aggressively targets poor workers around the world for highly exploitable labor and to steal the resources underneath their feet.

Ultimately, Morris said, the Doctrine of Discovery is a thin veil for white supremacy. As European nations were competing with one another for riches, they were able to share in an ideology that exerted their superiority over darker people around the world. This doctrine was used to validate the mass murder of people for profit and the enslavement of them. It continues to do so today, said Morris, as there has never been a dialogue around the colonization of the Americas and slavery and how the U.S. was born into the world dripping with blood from head to toe.

The Truth Commission, just like the International Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina/Rita, provided the true history of people. As the struggle to stop imperialist wars abroad and the war against the oppressed and workers in the U.S. intensifies, this truth becomes increasingly more important and provides the history that will inundate the lies of the oppressors.

Articles copyright 1995-2007 Workers World. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved.

There has “never been a dialogue”? What about all the multi-culti, diversity, PC-mongering for the past 30 years, along with mea culpas, legitimate academic inquiries and the recognition of past injustices on nearly a daily basis? Is Glenn literally saying that nothing has changed?

You betcha.

Denver Lacks Clean Hands

From the department of TMI*, yet another reason to wash your hands more frequently:

Go wash your hands, Denver.

The Mile High City ranked last among the top 25 metro areas in the country for its handwashing habits. The most avid handwashers live in Miami, which scored the highest in a survey conducted for soapmaker Dial Corp. by the Zogby International polling firm.

Denver fared worst when it came to washing up after taking out the garbage, with only 30 percent of respondents saying they clean their hands afterward.

When it comes to washing hands after noseblowing, only 13 percent of San Franciscans say they do so. The average response nationally was 19 percent.

The top cities ranked as follows, from best to worst:

1. Miami
2. Los Angeles
3. Sacramento
4. Houston
5. Chicago
6. Dallas
7. Baltimore
8. Tampa
9. Orlando
10. San Francisco
11. Cleveland
12. Indianapolis
13. Phoenix
14. Detroit
15. Washington, DC
16. Atlanta
17. New York
18. Pittsburgh
19. Seattle
20. Minneapolis
21. Boston
22. St. Louis
23. Philadelphia
24. Portland, Ore.
25. Denver

Good grief! San Francisco!?!? Surely we can do better than grungy old hippies!

*Too Much Information!

Colorado Immigrant Population Explodes

Not all are illegal, but you can guess that the vast majority fall under the PC-friendly “undocumented”:
Larimer County 46%, Greeley 60% since 2000.

And in Fort Collins, amnesty activists held an immigration vigil:

Nearly 100 people attended an immigration vigil Wednesday night in Old Town Square to support deported immigrants and their families and to speak out against raids that speakers said “tear families apart.”

“Enough is enough” was a common theme among the event’s many speakers that included residents, immigrants, ministers and elected officials.

“We’re here tonight because we have over 12 million people who are here undocumented,” said Kimberly Baker-Medina, a local immigration attorney and resident. “They don’t have papers, not because they don’t want them, but because they don’t have the patience to wait in line for a visa. They don’t have immigration papers because the law doesn’t allow them to have them.”

The vigil occurred the same day the American Community Survey, completed by the U.S. Census Office, released new data showing a 51 percent increase in foreign immigrants in Fort Collins since 2000. The survey didn’t ask immigrants their legal status, making it impossible to determine how many new immigrants to Fort Collins are undocumented.

Don’t have the patience?

Where is that outrage when it comes to their native countries’ inability to provide jobs and adequate quality of life? We don’t hand them automatic citizenship (and benefits) and they can’t stand the wait?


Spirit Of America Not Dead In Denver, Colorado State Parade of Honor This Saturday

“It’s time we as citizens stand up and not wait for another 9/11 and recognize those who are working on a daily basis to preserve our rights as citizens”

Frank Young has coordinated the first Colorado State Parade of Honor which starts at 10am on Saturday in downtown. Young was at the Colorado Veterans Monument at Broadway between Colfax and 14th Avenue on Tuesday, September 11, 2007. This is where the parade will conclude with its reviewing stand. Young stands next to the Colorado Liberty Bell a replica of the original Liberty Bell. The parade which will have over 8,000 participants will honor people in the military, active and veterans, and also firefighters and law enforcement officials. (Post / Cyrus McCrimmon)

When news first broke that the Vietnam War Memorial had been damaged by vandals, hope for America’s future became a little dimmer. But people like Denver’s Frank Young, single-handedly organizing the Colorado State Parade of Honor to pay tribute to American’s veterans in the military and law enforcement/firefighting stirs emotion and rekindles a love for country and respect for those willing to assume the duties that the rest of us take for granted (and for those who can’t make DC’s anti-moonbat Gathering of Eagles):

It’s not as if Frank Young woke up one morning and, on a whim, decided to single-handedly put on a parade that would celebrate everyday heroes, cost six figures and tie up downtown Denver traffic for hours.

He gave it a lot of thought first.

“We were kicking around ideas of how we could honor all our veterans, our firefighters,” Young said.

By “we,” he’s including his fellow volunteers at the philanthropic organization he co-founded, Trinity Community Services Foundation.

That was in January. By the end of February, the idea had crystallized, and on March 1, he sat down at his desk at Trinity headquarters – the converted lobby of a one-time motor lodge called the Doll House on West Colfax Avenue – and dialed the mayor’s office.

The Colorado State Parade of Honor, featuring local military groups, law enforcement squads, rescue teams and, of course, marching bands, is set to begin winding through downtown at 10 a.m. Saturday. The event will be a new endeavor for the 3-year-old Trinity group, which ordinarily focuses its efforts on needy veterans, battered women and terminally ill children.

But it is a venture that has come to consume the 55-year-old Young and his considerable energies.

“It’s time we as citizens stand up and not wait for another 9/11 and recognize those who are working on a daily basis to preserve our rights as citizens,” he said.

Six months, dozens of meetings, a fistful of permits and $180,000 after he started, Young says he has lined up 238 marching units, arranged a military-jet flyover and secured Lee Greenwood – the John Wayne of country music – as grand marshal.

We’ll have pics/video of Saturday’s parade.

Cybersquatting Moonbats Thwart Denver’s Democratic National Convention

“Festival of Democracy” trumps Democratic National Convention.

The Dems declines to comment on the moonbats’ actions.


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