Archive for September, 2007

Columbuspalooza Countdown Begins!

“. . . an end to the Colum-Bush legacy . . .”

The anti-“Colum-Bush” (hey, he is to blame for everything, after all!) march will be featured the morning of the actual parade, not the usual night before:

This begins the ramp-up for our opposition to the Columbus Day Hate Speech Spectacle.

The Four Directions March, followed by massive rally at the Colorado StateCapitol on Saturday October 6, 2007. March begins at 7:30 am/rally at 8:30. Come prepared to make history.

Protest of Columbus Day Parade 9:30-Noon. Rally to call for justice for Native peoples everywhere, for an end to the Colum-Bush legacy, repeal the Columbus holiday, call for an end to another Columbush imperial invasion in Iraq.

Rock Out Columbus Day Concert, Thursday, October 4, 2007, OrientalTheater, 44th Ave at Tennyson. 7-midnight. Featuring Debajo del Agua and Savage Family, with other indigenous acts.

“Columbuscide – Denver, 2007 •
515 Years of Invasion, Indigenous Resistance and Renewal.”
Art Festival, Opening Friday, October 5th,
7pm Laughing Bean Café, 1025 N. Santa Fe Drive, Denver.

On Friday, October 5th, during the Friday night artwalk in the
Santa Fe Drive District, “Columbuscide – Denver, 2007 • 515 years of
invasion, indigenous resistance and renewal,” sponsored by the
American Indian Movement of Colorado and Transform Columbus Day
Alliance. The show will expose the deception, death and destruction
embodied in the celebration of Columbus Day, which was born 100 years
ago this year in Colorado.

The show will also reflect the spirit of resistance of indigenous
peoples to over 500 years of oppression and genocide in our homeland.
It will express the spirit of resilience and dedication to freedom for
future generations of indigenous peoples here in on Turtle Island.
Featuring work by American Indian artists, Russell Means, Lawrence
Paul and other native and non-native artists who have provided their
interpretation of the effects of imperialism, genocide, and oppression
which began with Columbus’ arrival and that continue today. The show
is being hosted by The Laughing Bean, 1025 Santa Fe Drive, Denver.
This art show is part of a comprehensive series of events to oppose
Columbus Day, and to express a constructive alternative to hateful
Columbus legacy. For more information on other events, visit:

On a sadder note, the esteemed ex-perfessor, we must relate with heavy heart, will be out of town for Columbuspalooza. You can, should the mood strike you–suffering withdrawal symptoms from Churchill’s long absence from the limelight–catch his free and open-to-the-public class next Tuesday at CU.

Udall Votes To Condemn MoveOn’s Petraeus Ad, Nutroots Balks

**Update–progressive and tired of wimpy, spineless Dimocrats? Vote Green!

Moonbat Diana DeGette (D-CD 1) gets mad props for her “guts” (which are easy to have in an impenetrable district). Kos calls them the “Democrats we can trust to have our backs”. Meanwhile Mark Udall, prepping for his Senatorial run to the middle, has earned the ire of the far left, some of whom are promising to withhold their donations:

I received a fundraising request from Mark Udall today.

America desperately needs leadership that will elevate our public debate and reflect the best that our country has to offer. As my track record as Congressman shows, I’m committed to practical, bipartisan solutions to our most pressing issues:

*Finding a way to responsibly leave Iraq: I opposed this war from the start, and I will exhaust every opportunity to bring this conflict to a close so we can rebuild our army and refocus our national security efforts to more effectively fight terrorism.

Rep. Udall, this vote does not reflect the best our country has to offer. It was a waste of resources.

You say you’ll exhaust every opportunity to bring the conflict to a close. Is this vote a part of that effort? Are our forces any closer to redeploying now that you and your fellow Democrats have once again succumbed to the Republicans distraction tactics? No sir, they are not.

I will not send money to your campaign when you vote like this.

Stand up to the obstructionists and distractors, Rep. Udall. Stand up for the people of this country who have overwhelmingly expressed their will that the occupation end. Then, sir, I will gladly donate to your campaign.

Udall’s purely symbolic bipartisan efforts–attempting to move him to the “middle” in the minds of independents/unafilliateds–have ticked off his key liberal-left constituency and traditional base.

How to read this? They expect Udall to live up to his Boulder liberal reputation and defend the MoveOn Petraeus ads.

Udall Votes To Condemn MoveOn’s Petraeus Ad, Nutroots Balks

**Update–progressive and tired of wimpy, spineless Dimocrats? Vote Green!

Moonbat Diana DeGette (D-CD 1) gets mad props for her “guts” (which are easy to have in an impenetrable district). Kos calls them the “Democrats we can trust to have our backs”. Meanwhile Mark Udall, prepping for his Senatorial run to the middle, has earned the ire of the far left, some of whom are promising to withhold their donations:

I received a fundraising request from Mark Udall today.

America desperately needs leadership that will elevate our public debate and reflect the best that our country has to offer. As my track record as Congressman shows, I’m committed to practical, bipartisan solutions to our most pressing issues:

*Finding a way to responsibly leave Iraq: I opposed this war from the start, and I will exhaust every opportunity to bring this conflict to a close so we can rebuild our army and refocus our national security efforts to more effectively fight terrorism.

Rep. Udall, this vote does not reflect the best our country has to offer. It was a waste of resources.

You say you’ll exhaust every opportunity to bring the conflict to a close. Is this vote a part of that effort? Are our forces any closer to redeploying now that you and your fellow Democrats have once again succumbed to the Republicans distraction tactics? No sir, they are not.

I will not send money to your campaign when you vote like this.

Stand up to the obstructionists and distractors, Rep. Udall. Stand up for the people of this country who have overwhelmingly expressed their will that the occupation end. Then, sir, I will gladly donate to your campaign.

Udall’s purely symbolic bipartisan efforts–attempting to move him to the “middle” in the minds of independents/unafilliateds–have ticked off his key liberal-left constituency and traditional base.

How to read this? They expect Udall to live up to his Boulder liberal reputation and defend the MoveOn Petraeus ads.

CSU College Republicans Create Petition Requesting Editor’s Resignation

“As reprehensible, as childish and as cryptic as the editorial was, we really hope McSwane stays on at the helm of the Collegian – for comic value, if nothing else.”

J. David McSwane, Editor-in-Chief of the Rocky Mountain Collegian, will receive an earful at CSU’s Board of Student Communications meeting, as the CSU CRs present their petition (over 300 signatures). They will be joined by the CU CRs for Wednesday’s hearing.

Previous CSU editorial flap blogging here.

CSU College Republicans Create Petition Requesting Editor’s Resignation

“As reprehensible, as childish and as cryptic as the editorial was, we really hope McSwane stays on at the helm of the Collegian – for comic value, if nothing else.”

J. David McSwane, Editor-in-Chief of the Rocky Mountain Collegian, will receive an earful at CSU’s Board of Student Communications meeting, as the CSU CRs present their petition (over 300 signatures). They will be joined by the CU CRs for Wednesday’s hearing.

Previous CSU editorial flap blogging here.

Colorado Woman One Of Little Rock 9, Celebrates 50 Years Of Integration

We’ve come a long way (video of complete interview):

A Colorado business woman is in Arkansas this week to mark the 50th anniversary of the integration of her high school.

In 1957, crowds tried to keep nine black students from entering Little Rock Central High School.

The youngest of those students, escorted in by 1,000 soldiers, was Carlotta Walls Lanier. She is now a real estate broker in the Denver area.

She recently talked with 9NEWS about how she had the courage to face that first day of school.

“Teenagers feel like they’re indestructible anyway. Yes, I heard the name calling across the street, saw the jeers saw the anger in their faces, however I did my best to stay above all of that. I’d always been taught that you do not stoop to that level. Either you help bring people up to your level or you ignore it,” said Walls Lanier.

She and the eight others who integrated the school will mark the anniversary Tuesday at a ceremony at the school.

CSU Paper Prints Expletive Targeting Bush–Update

**Update–The price of one word:

The Associated Press Saturday reported the student newspaper has lost $30,000 in advertising and had to cut pay and other budgets by 10 percent because of fallout.

Taser this . . . F*** BUSH!

David McSwane (aka the student who captured a military recruiter promising to secure him a fake high school diploma) is now the editor-in-chief of the Rocky Mountain Collegian, who decided to take this week’s taser incident at a John Kerry snooze speech at the University of Florida to highlight first amendment issues, in typical moonbat BDS fashion!

Out And About

Taking his gloves off once again to confront Islam’s nasty illiberalism, Pope Benedict XVI called Muslims to task (h/t Weasel Zippers):

Yesterday, near Rome, the 80-year-old pontiff made a speech in “defence of religious liberty”, which, he said “is a fundamental, irrepressible, inalienable and inviolable right”.

In a clear reference to Islam, he said: “The exercise of this freedom also includes the right to change religion, which should be guaranteed not only legally, but also in daily practice.”

Addressing the problem of Islamic extremism, he added: “Terrorism is a serious problem whose perpetrators often claim to act in God’s name and harbour an inexcusable contempt for human life.”

Roger Fraley runs the numbers and asks, “My only question is how, given these frightening histories, can any thinking person be on the left?”

$2 million Columbine Memorial opens 8 1/2 years after massacre

Abortion Foes Plan Fight If 2008 DNC Protest Prohibited

Ruh-roh (video):

City officials are still working on where protestors will be allowed to assemble in Denver — most likely in the area around Civic Center Park. But Mayor Hickenlooper conceded last week that, and other security issues, may well be taken out of local hands.

“This is going to be a dance we do with the federal government,” Hickenlooper said at a community forum last week. “And their goal is to have zero risk.”

And it looks like the boisterous protestors at Denver’s 2008 Democratic National Convention won’t only include moonbats of the Recreate 68 ilk, with massive arrests planned:

An anti-abortion minister vowed Tuesday he’ll go to court if Denver tries to keep him and other abortion protesters from confronting delegates to the Democratic National Convention next year.

Reverend Patrick J. Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition said he plans to have 2,000 protesters encircle the Pepsi Center, the arena where the convention will be held in August.

“We want to shine a spotlight on the radical pro-abortion position on the Democratic Party, particularly Senator Clinton,” Mahoney said to a group of people gathered in Denver to hear him speak.

Mahoney said his group was barred from protesting at sites of both national conventions in 2004. He said he plans to fight any attempts to bar the group from confronting delegates next year, citing his First Amendment rights to free speech. He claimed the treatment he got in Boston was a “disgrace.”

“They put everyone in a free-speech pen, we called it,” Mahoney said. “They had a chain link fence above us, around us; we literally were in a pen.”

It’s not very often both right and left agree on anything. Perhaps they should contact Glenn Spagnuolo and, ya know, compare notes.

Colorado DA Says Illegal Immigrant Crime Preventable

“The crimes being committed by illegal immigrants are preventable.”

“There is a contrast between what’s happening in courtrooms and on the streets, and what’s happening with policy makers in Washington, D.C. There’s a rift. And we need to fill that rift with information. We need more resources to deport dangerous criminals.”–Weld County DA Ken Buck

By deportation (video):

There are an estimated 12 million suspected illegal immigrants in the United States. When they enter the country, immigration laws are broken. Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck says some of the illegal immigrants go on to commit violent crimes.

“We have a case here where someone committed six DUIs under three different names in Weld County, and that person wasn’t deported. They went out and committed vehicular homicide and killed somebody and that person left behind a wife and children,” said Buck.

Buck organized a special forum held Tuesday titled “Illegal immigration: The untold stories.”

About 500 people showed up at the meeting.

Untold by the MSM, of course. Freedom Folks, Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Lonewacko, and Patterico have all covered these 100% preventable crimes. Colorado doesn’t track crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Greeley seeks an ICE office, and Tuesday’s forum attendees backed that notion.

Standing room only in Greeley

What types of crimes? Ask Sandy Ross of Weld County:

Sandy Ross, 55, is among a group of people who will talk about how crimes committed by illegal immigrants have damaged their lives.

Ross said she was driving home from church in Weld County on Sept. 2, 2005, when a car driven by Armando Rodriguez Romero slammed into hers. Rodriguez Romero was here illegally from Mexico and had stolen his brother’s car.

Ross suffered two broken legs, a broken arm and a crushed right foot in the crash. Her 4-year-old son also was injured and traumatized by the crash.

“For the longest time, he would just break down and cry,” Ross said.

Ross lost her apartment trying to pay bills related to the crash and now lives with a friend in Arvada. Rodriguez Romero is serving an eight-year sentence for vehicular assault while under the influence.

But Rodriguez Romero will not pay restitution because he is to be deported as soon as his sentence is complete, Ross said.

“I really don’t think about him that much because I’m so busy trying to put our lives back together,” said Ross, whose son now attends elementary school.

“Still, these types of things are happening to people like us everyday,” Ross said, adding she wants to speak tonight to warn others about the pitfalls of America’s immigration policies.

The DA continued, defending the forum:

Buck says the purpose of the forum was to inform the public about the impact of crimes committed by illegal immigrants is having on the community.

“If you were the victim of a crime it’s a very big problem and so it’s a problem we need to address because the crimes being committed by illegal immigrants are preventable,” said Buck.

And lo, the amnesty moonbats howled about “racism”:

Some Hispanic leaders condemned the meeting, saying it furthers racism and hate. No one from the pro-immigrant side was invited to speak. Buck says he did not think a debate would be safe or productive. He maintains it was only an informational meeting. Opponents say it was intentionally one-sided to spread false stereotypes.

The exact number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants is hard to pinpoint. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, does not keep that statistic, neither does the Colorado court system, nor Buck himself.

“It’s somewhat hard to quantify, but it’s also hard to say how many drug dealers there are in Weld County yet we still have a drug task force in Weld County. This doesn’t mean the problem isn’t real,” said Buck.

And the wailing and rending of clothes by the amnesty moonbats continued:

Members of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition say Buck’s forum is baseless and is aiming to instill false fear.

“We empathize with victims of crime and want to address crime in our community, but to use government resources to single out one community because of the actions of a few violators, is shameful,” said the coalition’s director Julien Ross.

Ross says studies have shown that immigrants are often victims of crime. Ross says focusing on a fairly ambiguous issue detracts from the need to have what he calls substantial reform of the current immigration system.

“We know that immigrants are here to work and better their family, not to commit crimes,” said Ross.

While ICE does not track crimes by illegal immigrants, it did report that of 197,000 illegal immigrants deported last year, 88,600 had criminal convictions.

So from ICE’s own numbers, 45% of the deported illegal immigrants had criminal convictions. Anyone taking a look at the blogs mentioned above would be quickly disabused of the notion that there are few criminals in the illegal immigrant population, and in fact the most heinous perpetrators are often repeat offenders who have been deported several times, only to return and commit similar crimes.

So CIRC’s agenda is to hide these criminal convictions first by denying they exist–using the meme that illegal immigrants are all here to work to “better their family” performing jobs “Americans won’t do”–or by using the argument that since illegal immigrants are sometimes the victims of crimes, they should be excused from responsibility. Note that citizens, legal and illegal immigrants often fall victim to crimes committed by illegal immigrants:

The meeting closed with a taped interview with Enedina Martinez, a legal permanent resident from Mexico whose husband was killed two years ago by an illegal immigrant who was driving drunk.

Martinez – who was profiled last year in a Rocky Mountain News series about illegal immigration, The Border Within – cried as she was asked about the loss of her husband and her children’s father.

“I think people should have their legal documents and identification,” she said. “That way, what happened to me won’t happen to other people.”

Greeley has seen its total immigrant population grow 60% since 2000, and was the site of one of the December 2006 Swift raids.

Buck had more details on the scope of the problem in Weld County:

Buck said the speakers will provide the “nature and scope of what we’re dealing with.”

For example, he said, two years ago, law enforcement estimated that approximately 10 percent of local gang members were illegal immigrants.

He also said between 18 to 22 percent of inmates in the jail are noncitizens, and that a majority are in the country illegally, based on the number of ICE holds.

Buck said he did not know the overall percentage of crimes in Weld County committed by illegal immigrants.
. . .
Responded Buck: “For the longest time, this town denied we had a gang problem. People said I was being divisive. As a result, we ended up with four gang-related murders in six months. You can try to kill the messenger, but the message is very real.”

Aspiring career moonbat and amnesty flack responded:

Chris Garcia, a student at the University of Northern Colorado and co-chair of MEChA, a Chicano student organization, said the event was likely to attract a large number of Hispanics.

“All people talk about at these events is how we’re criminals, how we bring disease and other crazy ideas. The bottom line message is Greeley is being overrun by Mexicans,” he said.

“We’ve had enough. This meeting is just more of the same, and there is potential for some serious conflict and divisiveness.”

Of course, MEChA itself is a divisive, race-oriented organization–something the moonbats vehemently deny.

Buck concluded:

“There is a contrast between what’s happening in courtrooms and on the streets, and what’s happening with policy makers in Washington, D.C.,” Buck said. “There’s a rift. And we need to fill that rift with information. We need more resources to deport dangerous criminals.”


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