Columbuspalooza Countdown Begins!

“. . . an end to the Colum-Bush legacy . . .”

The anti-“Colum-Bush” (hey, he is to blame for everything, after all!) march will be featured the morning of the actual parade, not the usual night before:

This begins the ramp-up for our opposition to the Columbus Day Hate Speech Spectacle.

The Four Directions March, followed by massive rally at the Colorado StateCapitol on Saturday October 6, 2007. March begins at 7:30 am/rally at 8:30. Come prepared to make history.

Protest of Columbus Day Parade 9:30-Noon. Rally to call for justice for Native peoples everywhere, for an end to the Colum-Bush legacy, repeal the Columbus holiday, call for an end to another Columbush imperial invasion in Iraq.

Rock Out Columbus Day Concert, Thursday, October 4, 2007, OrientalTheater, 44th Ave at Tennyson. 7-midnight. Featuring Debajo del Agua and Savage Family, with other indigenous acts.

“Columbuscide – Denver, 2007 •
515 Years of Invasion, Indigenous Resistance and Renewal.”
Art Festival, Opening Friday, October 5th,
7pm Laughing Bean Café, 1025 N. Santa Fe Drive, Denver.

On Friday, October 5th, during the Friday night artwalk in the
Santa Fe Drive District, “Columbuscide – Denver, 2007 • 515 years of
invasion, indigenous resistance and renewal,” sponsored by the
American Indian Movement of Colorado and Transform Columbus Day
Alliance. The show will expose the deception, death and destruction
embodied in the celebration of Columbus Day, which was born 100 years
ago this year in Colorado.

The show will also reflect the spirit of resistance of indigenous
peoples to over 500 years of oppression and genocide in our homeland.
It will express the spirit of resilience and dedication to freedom for
future generations of indigenous peoples here in on Turtle Island.
Featuring work by American Indian artists, Russell Means, Lawrence
Paul and other native and non-native artists who have provided their
interpretation of the effects of imperialism, genocide, and oppression
which began with Columbus’ arrival and that continue today. The show
is being hosted by The Laughing Bean, 1025 Santa Fe Drive, Denver.
This art show is part of a comprehensive series of events to oppose
Columbus Day, and to express a constructive alternative to hateful
Columbus legacy. For more information on other events, visit:

On a sadder note, the esteemed ex-perfessor, we must relate with heavy heart, will be out of town for Columbuspalooza. You can, should the mood strike you–suffering withdrawal symptoms from Churchill’s long absence from the limelight–catch his free and open-to-the-public class next Tuesday at CU.

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