Abortion Foes Plan Fight If 2008 DNC Protest Prohibited

Ruh-roh (video):

City officials are still working on where protestors will be allowed to assemble in Denver — most likely in the area around Civic Center Park. But Mayor Hickenlooper conceded last week that, and other security issues, may well be taken out of local hands.

“This is going to be a dance we do with the federal government,” Hickenlooper said at a community forum last week. “And their goal is to have zero risk.”

And it looks like the boisterous protestors at Denver’s 2008 Democratic National Convention won’t only include moonbats of the Recreate 68 ilk, with massive arrests planned:

An anti-abortion minister vowed Tuesday he’ll go to court if Denver tries to keep him and other abortion protesters from confronting delegates to the Democratic National Convention next year.

Reverend Patrick J. Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition said he plans to have 2,000 protesters encircle the Pepsi Center, the arena where the convention will be held in August.

“We want to shine a spotlight on the radical pro-abortion position on the Democratic Party, particularly Senator Clinton,” Mahoney said to a group of people gathered in Denver to hear him speak.

Mahoney said his group was barred from protesting at sites of both national conventions in 2004. He said he plans to fight any attempts to bar the group from confronting delegates next year, citing his First Amendment rights to free speech. He claimed the treatment he got in Boston was a “disgrace.”

“They put everyone in a free-speech pen, we called it,” Mahoney said. “They had a chain link fence above us, around us; we literally were in a pen.”

It’s not very often both right and left agree on anything. Perhaps they should contact Glenn Spagnuolo and, ya know, compare notes.

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