Archive for September, 2007

Fall Classic: Colorado Rockies

The clock hasn’t struck midnight yet for the Colorado Rockies

Tomorrow is October 1 and yes, the Colorado Rockies will still be playing. As Joshua Sharf says, “God, I love late-season baseball”–and for the non-fairweather fans among us, it has been an awful long time since 1995.

So what will this extra game, number 163, mean? It represents only the seventh time in major league history a one-game playoff was necessary to determine postseason placement. Should the Rockies fail to win and advance to the playoffs for only the second time in club history, would any of their late-season push have been for naught?

No. Not in a season marked by rookie short-stop Troy Tulowitzki’s unassisted triple play (13th in MLB history) and potential rookie-of-the-year numbers. Matt Holliday could very well end up MVP, leading the NL in batting average, hits, and RBIs. The pitching staff included 17 game winner Jeff Francis (tying a club record), and the emergence of a somewhat eclectic yet effective assortment of starters and relievers that helped the Rockies to the league’s longest winning streak of the year (11 games, also set a new club record).

In finishing 89-73 (with one more tomorrow), they also set the club record for wins in a season, as well as games over .500. After losing to Arizona on May 21, the Rockies stood 9 games under .500, but went a torrid 71-46 that, including a dismal 1-9 road trip in late June (their .607 winning percentage would have lead the majors this year–no team went above .600).

No matter what happens tomorrow, a team expected to finish around .500 that made such a dramatic, indeed, Cinderella finish to find itself in contention for a wild card spot is no small feat. That anyone anywhere is still talking Rockies baseball in October is awesome, and credit to the unheralded yet unwavering team taking the field tomorrow.

The Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News both have great roundups and photos.

Bud Light’s Spanish Billboards: "As Good As The Honky Woman Checking You Out"

“As good as the honky woman checking you out”

There’s pandering to the Spanish-speaking Mexican community in Denver, and then there’s this:

I love you, man: Bud Light knows what Mexicans like: beer and white women.

At least, that’s what a choice billboard at Colfax Avenue and Monroe Street seems to indicate, with its pronouncement that the beer is “tan buena como la güera que te está mirando.” For those not in the know, the word güero is on par with gringo, a term used by Mexicans to refer to their pasty neighbors to the north. Güera, then, would be the female form of this, and this cocksure little ad plays off that to speak to Denver’s ever-growing Mexican community, basically proclaiming that Bud Light is “as good as the honky woman checking you out.”

That offensive sign–imagine one with a different racial epithet (the fallout from “nappy-headed ho” anyone?) or the various “honky” variants “cracker” and “whitey”–has disappeared in less than two weeks, and the new one is much tamer:

Honky if you drink Bud: Two weeks ago, Off Limits offered an impromptu Spanish class, noting that a Bud Light billboard in the heart of hispterdom, at Colfax Avenue and Monroe Street, promised that the beer was “tan bueno como la güera que te está mirando” – essentially, “as good as that honky woman checking you out.” Now the billboard is touting the same light beer, with a new, less filling message. “Tan buena como viernes de quincena,” it now reads, in a reference not to a woman checking you out, but that welcome mid-month Friday paycheck.

Either someone in Bud Light’s marketing department continued the trend of English-oriented companies’ proclivity for mucking up Spanish translations:

Still, for odd beer translations, it doesn’t come close to the blunder that the Coors Brewing Company made more than a decade ago, when the Spanish version of its “Turn It Loose Tonight” slogan translated to “Take a Dump Tonight” — or, even worse, “Suffer From Diarrhea.”

Or the marketers simply figured that the only readers of their billboards–their Spanish-speaking target market–would find the catchy ad “funny”, and would be totally ignored by English-speakers in Denver or simply go untranslated, and therefore, under the radar.

Bud Light’s Spanish Billboards: "As Good As The Honky Woman Checking You Out"

“As good as the honky woman checking you out”

There’s pandering to the Spanish-speaking Mexican community in Denver, and then there’s this:

I love you, man: Bud Light knows what Mexicans like: beer and white women.

At least, that’s what a choice billboard at Colfax Avenue and Monroe Street seems to indicate, with its pronouncement that the beer is “tan buena como la güera que te está mirando.” For those not in the know, the word güero is on par with gringo, a term used by Mexicans to refer to their pasty neighbors to the north. Güera, then, would be the female form of this, and this cocksure little ad plays off that to speak to Denver’s ever-growing Mexican community, basically proclaiming that Bud Light is “as good as the honky woman checking you out.”

That offensive sign–imagine one with a different racial epithet (the fallout from “nappy-headed ho” anyone?) or the various “honky” variants “cracker” and “whitey”–has disappeared in less than two weeks, and the new one is much tamer:

Honky if you drink Bud: Two weeks ago, Off Limits offered an impromptu Spanish class, noting that a Bud Light billboard in the heart of hispterdom, at Colfax Avenue and Monroe Street, promised that the beer was “tan bueno como la güera que te está mirando” – essentially, “as good as that honky woman checking you out.” Now the billboard is touting the same light beer, with a new, less filling message. “Tan buena como viernes de quincena,” it now reads, in a reference not to a woman checking you out, but that welcome mid-month Friday paycheck.

Either someone in Bud Light’s marketing department continued the trend of English-oriented companies’ proclivity for mucking up Spanish translations:

Still, for odd beer translations, it doesn’t come close to the blunder that the Coors Brewing Company made more than a decade ago, when the Spanish version of its “Turn It Loose Tonight” slogan translated to “Take a Dump Tonight” — or, even worse, “Suffer From Diarrhea.”

Or the marketers simply figured that the only readers of their billboards–their Spanish-speaking target market–would find the catchy ad “funny”, and would be totally ignored by English-speakers in Denver or simply go untranslated, and therefore, under the radar.

Quote Of The Day

“If Ward Churchill lectures in an empty classroom, is he still lying?”
A commenter at PirateBallerina

Churchill Remains Terminated, Lecture Series Still On

“University officials have distanced themselves from the planned lecture series — slated to begin Tuesday night — and say that Churchill remains terminated.”

Moron More on Ward Churchill’s hush-hush yet publicized return to the CU campus next week (h/t Drunkablog):

Fired University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill will return to the Boulder campus next week to begin teaching an unsanctioned course that’s being organized by his student supporters.

University officials have distanced themselves from the planned lecture series — slated to begin Tuesday night — and say that Churchill remains terminated.

The students organizing Churchill’s teachings say the series is intended for those who “missed out” on his years as an American Indian studies professor and as head of the ethnic studies department at CU.

Neither Churchill nor his student backers could be reached for comment Thursday.

“He’s a professor, he likes to teach people — so that’s what he’s doing,” said David Lane, Churchill’s attorney, who was unaware of his client’s planned lecture series.

CU officials released a statement Thursday afternoon emphasizing that any students who attend Churchill’s discussions will not receive credit and the lectures aren’t endorsed by the university or considered to be sanctioned academic coursework.

“Any CU student is at liberty to invite Ward Churchill to campus to speak, but this should not be viewed by anyone as a resumption of employment or of his former professorial role at the University of Colorado at Boulder,” campus officials said in the statement.

Boulder High Students Plan Alternative Pledge Of Allegiance

**Update 2–Mike Rosen’s on-air discussion of Boulder’s Marxist moonbats


Boulder’s budding Marxists hold their “rally” against the pledge

Emma Martens, 17, president of Boulder High School’s Student Worker club is organizing a protest at Boulder High School Thursday September 27th to change the school policy on reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Sammy Dallal / Daily Camera

The little Marxists offer their alternative pledge, to the god of “diversity”, of course:

Boulder High School students will stage the first of what could become many Pledge-of-Allegiance protests Thursday in the school courtyard.

Members of the activist club “Student Worker” [there’s an oxymoron–ed.] are calling on students to leave class every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. — when the pledge is recited over the intercom — and rally in the courtyard to say a revised version of the pledge.

Club President Emma Martens, who’s leading the protest, wrote this new version: “I pledge of allegiance to the flag and my constitutional rights with which it comes. And to the diversity, in which our nation stands, one nation, part of one planet, with liberty, freedom, choice and justice for all.”

Martens said her group is concerned that the traditional pledge read daily at the start of second period classes takes away from school time. She also said the phrase, “one nation, under God,” violates the separation of church and state.

“Boulder High has a highly diverse population, not all of whom believe in God, or One God,” she wrote in an e-mail to the Camera.

“We didn’t think it was fair for the whole school to have to listen to it,” Martens said between classes today. “It’s disrespectful and in complete violation of the separation of church and state. It’s almost religious oppression.”

Yes–I’m sure the level of religious oppression in Boulder is reaching intolerable proportions.

BTW–I thought the moonbats hated the flag . . .

Sen. Salazar Feels Nutroots’ Heat For Not Being A "MoveOn" Democrat; Update: 2010 Primary Urged

**Updated and bumped (9/28):

I think the time is NOW to start talking about finding a progressive Democrat primary candidate. Mr. Salazar can’t be described as either progressive or Democrat at this point, and there is no reason to think he’ll change. He’s a name-only Dem. What to do, any ideas? I want to know, because I’ll start working now.

Colorado is quite the home for timid, middle-of-the-road Democrats.

“Kiss Ass Ken”

The 2008 Senate election is still more than a year away, and already the hard left in Colorado are bailing out on “moderate” Sen. Ken Salazar.

For not being a moron MoveOn Democrat:

Salazar apparently is NOT a MoveOn Democrat.
. . .
bed wetter salazar cowers again
. . .
I feel like Salazar just kicked me in the nuts while I was looking elsewhere and took off like a frightened child.

What a spineless JERK!

What must we do with this sad excuse for a Democrat?
. . .
I would like to remind Sen. Salazar that a majority of Americans (not just liberals) want the troops redeployed from Iraq – the sooner the better. They have expressed this time and time again. When will you and your colleagues hear us and respond appropriately?
. . .
And to think I was actually starting to be bamboozled by his line of bullshit about how he might think about voting to de-fund the war.

Ah well, Senator. What’s a few thousand more casualties, when you can enjoy the continued warm fuzzies of “bipartisanship”?

I will not vote for this man again for any office. I will not trust any candidate for President who is ignorant enough to put Salazar on the ticket.
. . .
One more reason to show that “centrism” isn’t a principled political position but a strategy: allow other people to set the terms of the debate, then split the difference. Like I’ve said in other threads, by 2010 when Kiss Ass Ken is up for reelection the real question will be who will do the least damage: (a) a senior senator in the majority party who behaves in a destructive and demoralizing manner (Salazar) or (b) a junior senator from the minority party. At this point I’m thinking (b).

If the moonbats in the “MoveOn” wing of the Democratic Party had any intellectual consistency–or guts, for that matter–they would primary Sen. Salazar in 2010.

Perhaps they could convince one of the Democratic millionaires in the “Gang of Four” to become their champion.

Sen. Salazar Feels Nutroots’ Heat For Not Being A "MoveOn" Democrat; Update: 2010 Primary Urged

**Updated and bumped (9/28):

I think the time is NOW to start talking about finding a progressive Democrat primary candidate. Mr. Salazar can’t be described as either progressive or Democrat at this point, and there is no reason to think he’ll change. He’s a name-only Dem. What to do, any ideas? I want to know, because I’ll start working now.

Colorado is quite the home for timid, middle-of-the-road Democrats.

“Kiss Ass Ken”

The 2008 Senate election is still more than a year away, and already the hard left in Colorado are bailing out on “moderate” Sen. Ken Salazar.

For not being a moron MoveOn Democrat:

Salazar apparently is NOT a MoveOn Democrat.
. . .
bed wetter salazar cowers again
. . .
I feel like Salazar just kicked me in the nuts while I was looking elsewhere and took off like a frightened child.

What a spineless JERK!

What must we do with this sad excuse for a Democrat?
. . .
I would like to remind Sen. Salazar that a majority of Americans (not just liberals) want the troops redeployed from Iraq – the sooner the better. They have expressed this time and time again. When will you and your colleagues hear us and respond appropriately?
. . .
And to think I was actually starting to be bamboozled by his line of bullshit about how he might think about voting to de-fund the war.

Ah well, Senator. What’s a few thousand more casualties, when you can enjoy the continued warm fuzzies of “bipartisanship”?

I will not vote for this man again for any office. I will not trust any candidate for President who is ignorant enough to put Salazar on the ticket.
. . .
One more reason to show that “centrism” isn’t a principled political position but a strategy: allow other people to set the terms of the debate, then split the difference. Like I’ve said in other threads, by 2010 when Kiss Ass Ken is up for reelection the real question will be who will do the least damage: (a) a senior senator in the majority party who behaves in a destructive and demoralizing manner (Salazar) or (b) a junior senator from the minority party. At this point I’m thinking (b).

If the moonbats in the “MoveOn” wing of the Democratic Party had any intellectual consistency–or guts, for that matter–they would primary Sen. Salazar in 2010.

Perhaps they could convince one of the Democratic millionaires in the “Gang of Four” to become their champion.

CSU Editor Retains Churchill Lawyer; Update–Hundreds Attend Meeting

**Update 3–formal hearing for CSU editor next Thursday

**Update 2–Editor “arrogan”, wanted to be “center of attention” (we noted this earlier, below):

Students who have worked with McSwane at the paper, The Rocky Mountain Collegian, said they are not surprised by the furor he has provoked.

They described McSwane as arrogant and eager to make himself the center of attention. Winning a prestigious journalism award shortly after graduating from high school only boosted his ego, the other students said.

“Everything was about him,” said Emily Polak, 20, a junior who was a reporter on the CSU paper.

**Update–No decision yet:

Wednesday night’s meeting started at 7 p.m. and the 310-seat room was filled to capacity. McSwane also spoke during the meeting, answering questions from the board.

“We expected a negative reaction, but we didn’t think it would be as bad as it is,” said McSwane.

It was the beginning of due process under the bylaws of the board, according to CSU. The nine-person board was to gather information and listen to public comment about the editorial before deciding whether to take further action.

The board has the ability to fire McSwane if they chose. They were not expected to make a decision Wednesday night, but one could come as soon as Thursday.

The board could dismiss the complaints, admonish, reprimand or dismiss McSwane.

The revenue costs have grown:

Student officials and faculty adviser Jeff Browne told the board that since the editorial ran, 18 advertisers have either called to pull their advertising or threatened to end their advertising in the newspaper, which could result in some $50,000 in potential lost revenue. Officials have said that staff would have to take an across-the-board 10 percent pay cut to make up for the losses, which cut into the $950,000 advertising budget. Browne said some staff members, including a photographer, have quit.
. . .
Nick Hemenway, a senior and an engineering major, summed up the argument for many who spoke in opposition to the editorial:

“Although the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, nowhere does it claim to provide freedom of consequence,” he said, adding that he wasn’t sure what punishment would be appropriate for McSwane.
. . .
No Collegian editor has ever been fired in its 116-year history.

McSwane’s self-aggrandizing efforts to portray himself as the embattled defender of free speech are undercut by his apparent desire to draw national attention to himself (eery Ward Churchill parallels here–see below for more Churchill connections) Some moonbat gets tasered at John Kerry event at the University of Florida, and McSwane convinces his colleagues at CSU to use an expletive and the President’s name to get 15 more minutes of fame.

He isn’t defending journalistic integrity or the First Amendment.

He’s launching a career in professional moonbattery.

David McSwane reaches out to Colorado’s new celebrity lawyer, David Lane.

Fired CU Professor Ward Churchill To Teach At CU . . . Again?

**Update 2–admission to class now at the discretion of organizers?

**Update–scheduling confirmed, 180 Degrees/Eleventh Hour is the hosting group.

Hosted by sycophantic acolytes student groups, Ward Churchill could presumably teach “free” classes and conduct lectures for the students in any room on CU’s campus, as long as the student group schedules the room (huge h/t to Drunkablog):


This continuous event, which will be going on during the fall ’07 and spring ’08 semesters, will be supported by a number of student groups in welcoming back the teachings of Professor Ward Churchill for all those who missed out on his years as a proffesor [sic] and as a head of the ethnic studies department here at CU.

Churchill Teaching on Campus
Free Classes to Students
Humanities 1B80
October 2, 2007 6:30-9:15
*syllabus to be handed out first day of class along with scheduled class location and times

And for those interested in this year’s Columbus Day festivities, the moonbats will march the morning of the parade, at 7 am (also h/t Drunkablog).


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